Health Safety

Higgs Construction Limited has a current safety policy that reflects the safety needs in our changing industry.

We have a safety committee that meets once every three months to review our current safety processes, Review the accident / incident / near misses for the last quarter, are there any corrective actions identified that need to be put in place and have there been any new hazards / risks identified and what controls do we need to put in place. The safety committee is a forum of management, site staff and Simeon Lucas from Lucas Safety Consultants.

The following safety procedures are carried out on a regular basis:

  1. Site Specific Safety Plans are prepared for all projects and approved prior to commencement on site.
  2. Site Safety Audits are carried out monthly by our independent auditor Lucas Safety, with the Audit report being shared with the project stakeholders.
  3. Daily Site Specific Hazard Identification and Task Analysis’ are completed onsite.
  4. Weekly site toolbox meetings are carried out where the team will address any incidents and learnings that have come from them.
  5. Site Specific Safety Reports / Updates are provided to our clients / consultants at each and every site meeting. These are accompanied with current Safety Audit reports.

ACC have recognised our very low incident rate and our well implemented policy and as such the company receives annual ACC levy rebates.

Higgs Construction has been officially certified and achieved SiteWise Gold Status for 2021 with a score of 94%.

Higgs Construction has maintained its SiteWise Green status since 2017.

Contact Contact
11 Michelle Road, Sockburn
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Accommodation / Apartment Developments
Institutional Facilities
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